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Recipe: Tarhana Soup !


Tarhana Soup is a traditional soup in the Turkish Kitchen. It needs some effort and preliminary preparation. However, the result is worthwhile. Tarhana’s main ingredient in this soup is a kind of flour-like powder. In our kitchens, this powder is prepared in autumn so that in times of need powder is ready to cook. Here is the recipe for Tarhana.

Ingredients of Tarhana Soup

Ingredients of Tarhana Sourdough


Ingredients of “Tarhana” (to prepare Sourdough)

  • 1.5 kgs onion
  • 1.5 kgs paprika
  • 2 kgs tomato
  • a bunch of parsley
  • a bunch of dills
  • 2 kg yoghurt
  • 2-3 hot pepper
  • 1.5 tablespoon of salt
  • flour

Recipe For “Tarhana” (to prepare Sourdough)

Cut the onions into the ring form and put the bottom of the saucepan. Slice paprikas and tomatoes and put these pieces onto the onion rings. Wash parsley and dill and put top of all ingredients without cutting. Sprinkle the salt and boil all of them at low heat without open the tap of the saucepan. After boiling open it and separate the parsley and dill bunches. Take saucepan from fire and let it cool down. When ingredients become cool sieve all of them. Throw away the residual part above the sieve. Put flour in a wide pot and dish a small pool at the center of it. Put yoghurt and drawn ingredients into this cavity and sprinkle some salt. Knead all of them and get a hard dough. Put this into a quite deep pot cover it with a clean cloth. Along 10 days knead this dough for two times in a day for nearly about 2-3 minutes.

After kneading for 10 days lay a clean large cloth. Chip small pieces from this dough flatter them and put them onto the cloth to drain. Drain front faces for 12 hours then reverse them to drain another side of the pieces. To understand whether pieces dry enough or not you can take one piece if it crumbles without adhering your hand then it is ready. Take all pieces from the cloth and put them into the food processor to crumble into powder form then you can reserve them for a long time.

Ingredients of “Tarhana Soup”


  • 1 tablespoon butter
  • 1 tablespoon tomato paste
  • 1 water glass tarhana
  • 1 teaspoon peppermint
  • 1 teaspoon red pepper flakes
  • Salt

Recipe of  Tarhana Soup

Put butter in the saucepan after melting add tomato paste then add 5 glasses of water. In another bowl put powder of tarhana and add one glass of water. Stir them until tarhana become liquid becomes even. Add this liquid to the water that boils in the saucepan. Cook for 15-20 minutes flavor with salt, peppermint and red pepper. Serve it hot.

Tarhana Soup

Tarhana Soup

Although making Tarhana soup is not as easy as other soups but it is worth it because it is so delicious and beneficial to health, Tarhana is one of the rare probiotic soups. So you should definitely try it.


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